Our Story.

Bluegrass Biochar was founded to change the world.  Our planet is warming, our soils are being depleted, and resources are not being used to their fullest potential.  Our aim is to completely revamp the way people think about soil, about climate change, and about being resourceful.

We think farmers, farming communities, and people who support healthy food production should be treated as rock stars.  We think they should be paid like celebrities.  We think they should be cheered like your favorite sports team.  And we think they can help us save the planet from climate disaster.  We plan to help them grow healthy food, and we want to help you as well.  You can help fight climate change by composting your food waste and adding it to your backyard garden.  Applying biochar from us, or other producers, will help your soil store valuable nutrients, create habitat for a healthy soil ecosystem, and store carbon in the ground where it belongs.

So, at this point you might really be wondering… What is Biochar?  Biochar is baked wood material with an intended soil residence.  In the forging process, it is rendered more impervious to decay. The high temperature creates a carbon honeycomb structure so minute- and yet enormous, that your childhood sense of magic will be inspired to learn of what results.